November, 2024
Dr. Jonathan Kirk received the Senior Scientist award at Loyola University Chicago. He received the award and gave a talk at the annual St. Albert's Day research event.
June, 2024
Two new R01s from the NIH begin, examining sarcomere structure in HCM/DCM and the effects of myosin variants. 
June 6th, 2024
Loyola publishes an article about Dr. Laura Sherer (link)!
May 22nd, 2024
Dr. Kirk is interviewed by for an article about taste receptors (link)!
January, 2024
Dr. Kirk is interviewed for an article about the Mysteries of the Human Body in the New Scientist magazine. 
December 19th, 2023
Dr. Laura Sherer is awarded an AHA post-doc fellowship! 
December 2023
Micah Yoder and Michaela Door join the lab as first year PhD graduate students! 
September 2023
Dr. Jonathan Kirk and a team of co-organizers are selected to organize and host the 2027 International Society of Heart Research meeting in Chicago
August 2023
Dr. Jonathan Kirk assumes his role as Secretary of the Cardiac Muscle Society.
July 2023
At the Chicago Regional Cardiovascular Research Symposium Christine Delligatti and Ahmed Zied received oral presentation awards, and at the ISHR meeting, Christine Delligatti received a poster award! 
May 30th 2023
Masters student Ahmed Zied successfully defended his thesis!
Dec 8th 2022
Dr. Kirk received an AHA Award for Undergraduate Training (Cardio-SuRPH).
Dec 8th 2022
Graduate student Christine Delligatti was awarded an AHA pre-doctoral fellowship!
July 6th 2022
Graduate student Christine Delligatti passes her PhD Qualifying exam!
May 25th 2022
Dr. Marisa Stachowski-Doll successfully defended her dissertation (with distinction) and earned her Doctorate. Congratulations, Marisa!
May 11th 2022
Dr. Tommy Martin received the Dissertation of the Year award from Loyola.
April 1st 2022
New R01 from NIH begins, investigating the role of BAG3 in sarcomere turnover in health and disease.
April 1st 2022
Dr. Jonathan Kirk begins role as Vice Chair of the Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology.
March 18th 2022
Marisa Stachowski's immunofluorescence image from her recent paper is selected as the March Issue cover for Circulation Research!
February 25th 2022
Dr. Mary Papadaki's recent paper was selected as an Editor's Choice by JMCC, and she is invited to give a webinar on her work. 
November 2021
Graduate Student Christine Delligatti gives her first talk at a National Meeting, at the George E. Brown Memorial Lecture session at AHA Scientific Sessions.
September 22nd 2021
Tommy Martin successfully defended his Dissertation and earned his Doctorate. Congratulations, Tommy!
September 2021
Therese Davis and Michaela Door have both joined the lab as research technicians. 
July 2021
Hasitha Manohar, MD joined the lab as this year's CVRI fellow!
April 2021
Graduate student Marisa Stachowski was awarded an American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.
March 2021
Dr. Jonathan Kirk was elected a Fellow of the American Heart Association.
January 2021
Dr. Jonathan Kirk joins AJP-Heart&Circ as an Associate Editor.
November 2020
Dr. Mary Papadaki was promoted to Research Assistant Professor.
August 2020
Along with other CVRI members (led by Dr. Seth Robia), we received an S10 equipment grant for a Vevo 3100. Bring on the 4D!
July 2020
Dr. Jonathan Kirk was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure.
Spring 2020
Graduate students Tommy Martin and Marisa Stachowski both pass their dissertation proposals! 
December 2019
Graduate student Tommy Martin received an American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.
September 2019
Dr. Mary Papadaki received a Diploma of Distinction award for her talk at the 2019 European Muscle Conference (EMC).
April 2019
Marisa Stachowski was selected for a best abstract award and gave an oral presentation at the Loyola CVRI Research Day!
March 2019
Lizhuo Ai successfully defended her Masters thesis! Congratulations, Liz!
November 2018
Dr. Jonathan Kirk was awarded the Junior Scientist of the Year award at the annual St. Albert's Research Day at Loyola. Dr. Seth Robia, also in Physiology, won the Senior Scientist of the Year!